Termites are small, cream-colored insects that consume wood in order to feed their ever-growing colonies. These creatures cause over five billion dollars’ worth of damage worldwide each year, and
Wolf spiders are large, robust hunters from the arachnid family. Measuring up to almost an inch and a half long at maturity, these strange nomads prefer to follow their prey from place to place rather
Rodents cause problems both by creating household damage and by spreading disease. Both mice and rats can cause serious problems for your family.
Ants provide a crucial service to the soil and ecosystem, but they belong outside, not in your home. These tiny pests can bring serious damage and disease if left to infest as they please.
The number one thing that might attract a black widow into a home is a plentiful food source. What they’re looking for the most is a house with a lot of pests already in it, since that’s what they…
Cockroaches frequent bacteria-ridden locales such as sewers, drain pipes, and trash heaps where they pick up disease-causing contaminates. Then when they come into your home, they spread these…
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