Just How Dangerous Are The Mice In Las Vegas?

Learning how to prevent infestations is truly a matter of avoiding the larger dangers that pests like mice can create.

How To Keep Dangerous Pharaoh Ants Away From Your Las Vegas Home

These tiny menaces don't cause structural damage to buildings, and their bites aren't filled with painful or dangerous venom, but their presence in your home would be far from harmless. Of all the…

The Secret To Getting Rid Of Roaches In Your Las Vegas Home

Pest Control Solutions Inc. can help you prevent a cockroach problem before it ever starts. Call today to see how we can work with you to keep these dangerous pests at bay.  

Are Roof Rats A Serious Problem To Have In Las Vegas?

Anything that cannot be easily controlled could pose a big problem. As their name suggests, roof rats are adept at climbing, making them difficult to manage.

How To Prevent Drywood Termites In Las Vegas, NV

Not all termites are created equal — in fact, drywood termites are much different from the typical subterranean termites that infest properties in the U.S. These little pests can cause massive…

What to Do About Odorous House Ants In My Las Vegas, NV Home

Uh-oh. Smells like you forgot to take out the trash. But wait, could that funky odor be coming from the ants in your home? Odorous house ants are pests that live up to their name. They can cause a…

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