Rodent Infestation Signs
Just How Dangerous Are The Mice In Las Vegas?

Learning how to prevent infestations is truly a matter of avoiding the larger dangers that pests like mice can create.

The Most Effective Rodent Control For Las Vegas Homeowners

Wondering what the most effective rodent control in Las Vegas is? We tell you everything you need to know.

Total Rodent-Prevention Guide for Las Vegas Residents

Rodents love to get into Las Vegas homes. Don't let them get into yours. Learn how to protect your home, here.

Do-It-Yourself Rodent Control In Las Vegas: Is It Worth It?

Many homeowners are do-it-yourselfers. While this is a safe strategy for refurbishing a chair, the risks may not be worth the reward for pest control.

The Dangers Of A Rodent Infestation In Your Las Vegas Home

Mice and rats have powerful incisors that continuously grow throughout their lifetimes, and that means they have to chew constantly to keep them filed down. They'll gnaw their way through the wood…

The Problems Rodents Bring To Your Las Vegas Home

Rodents cause problems both by creating household damage and by spreading disease. Both mice and rats can cause serious problems for your family.

Customer Reviews

These guys were super!  They took care of the pigeon problem and kept me informed the entire time as to their progress and what to expect when they were done.  I highly recommend them!

  • Emily A

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