Answering Your Most Common Questions About Bed Bugs In Las Vegas
When asked, 68% of pest control professionals in the U.S. have reported bed bugs to be the most difficult pest to get rid of. Their high reproduction rate and evasiveness are two traits that make them challenging to control. They are also keen travelers, hitching rides in luggage undetected. This makes a destination hotspot like Las Vegas a prime area for bed bug infestations. Read on to learn more about why bed bugs are such a nuisance and the best ways to prevent and treat bed bug infestations on your property.

What Is The Main Cause Of Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are the original hitchhikers. They latch onto luggage and clothing, which allows them to travel from place to place. Their bites can often be mistaken for other insects, which, when coupled with their small size, can make them difficult to detect. This allows them to go unnoticed while their populations grow.
Where Are Bed Bugs Found?
Many people assume that bed bugs are only found in dirty, unkempt places. That isn’t necessarily true. Bed bugs will live practically anywhere. As their name implies, they are typically found in mattresses, but any soft furnishings, including those found in businesses, will make a nice home for them. Beds are most appealing because they can go undetected and make a regular meal out of whoever occupies the space.
To prevent bed bugs from hitchhiking on belongings while traveling, many people pack large plastic bags when traveling to place their luggage in. Keeping luggage quarantined upon returning home and washing clothing in hot water and drying on high heat can also help prevent you from introducing bed bugs into your home.
Are Bed Bugs Hazardous?
It is often assumed that bed bugs are hazardous to people, but generally, they aren’t. Their bites are nearly painless, and they aren’t known to transmit any diseases to humans. Their bites will leave itchy red welts, however, and incessant scratching may lead to a secondary infection of the skin.
While bed bugs aren’t extremely hazardous to people, they can devastate the reputation of a business very easily. The most disturbing trait a bed bug possesses is how quickly they are able to reproduce. A female bed bug can lay up to 541 eggs in its six-month lifetime. If this population goes undetected, an entire building can be completely infested very quickly.
What Home Remedies Get Rid Of Bed Bugs?
There are several home remedy ideas you may have heard of to treat a bed bug infestation, including the use of vacuums, blow dryers, and rubbing alcohol. The fact of the matter is, home remedies are not effective for getting rid of bed bugs. Home remedies are not able to penetrate soft furnishings properly to eliminate all bugs, nymphs, and eggs. Utilizing professional bed bug control services is the only efficient way to destroy a bed bug infestation.
The professionals at Pest Control Solutions Inc. know how much of a problem bed bugs are for Las Vegas homes and businesses. We have been working with the Las Vegas community for over 25 years, providing exceptional service to all of our clients. Our customized home pest control and commercial pest control service plans allow us to tailor a treatment and prevention plan that is specific to your needs. This includes specialized services like bed bug and pigeon control. The Problem Solved! Guarantee™ ensures that we will make your pest-free dreams a reality.
Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule your free inspection!