Forecasting Pests for 2018
It's the same thing every year: Pests continue to invade homes across the country. It's not so bad some years; it's worse other times. The weather is often the cause for rising pest infestations as heavy rain and droughts bring out more pest insects and rodents. An increase in pests during the fall and winter months of 2017 may carry over next year and cause numerous problems for homes and businesses.

The 2018 Pest Forecast
A warmer winter leads to more rainfall and increased pests. Look out for a rise in tick, rodent and stinkbug populations from 2017 to 2018. Wetter conditions lead to higher pest activity both indoors and outside.
A cooler winter gives rise to more termites than ever in the Southeast, including various ant species. These pests will continue to thrive through the winter and invade homes in 2018. If termites aren't eliminated before their colony expands, it could lead to serious damage and more costly repairs.
The Northwest has experienced a drier winter, which brings out the rodents. Their search for water will lead them into homes and businesses across the area. If the dry conditions persist, rodents will be at an all-time high in 2018.
The Southwest usually has drier conditions, but a cooler and wetter winter keeps pests on the move. Spiders, roaches, ants and stinging insects will thrive in the winter and continue to infest homes and businesses into the New Year.
The warm temperatures of summer continued into the winter, bringing out rodents and crawling insects such as earwigs, silverfish and millipedes. These insect pests will continue to invade homes into 2018 and cause problems into the summer if you don't take action.
Prevent Pests in the New Year
Pests will always be a nuisance, but you don't have to share your living space with them. Pest Control Solutions provides home pest control and commercial pest control services to combat the most common pests, from ants to bedbugs and roaches. Routine pest maintenance will help to keep out unwanted insects and rodents and to keep your home free of pests throughout 2018.